I always find it strange to write the first post on a blog; it's almost like I'm writing to myself because there will probably only no to few people be here, reading this. However, let's just hope for that one person that finds their way here to this little glimpse of my life. Welcome! I like you already!
My name is Juli and this blog is intended to be a venting opportunity for me (and maybe, maybe also my husband, Max).
Max and I are both 26 years old, we met last year in January and fell head over heals in love with each other while I was doing a semester abroad in the US. We have been visiting each other since then, and got engaged on my last visit there, in February 2013.

As you can see on the picture, it was very cold. But nevertheless, of course, I got the best proposal ever, from the best man I could possibly ever dream of. After the engagement we decided that we wanted to live together in the US, but that required me getting a visa. We looked for help in form of lawyers and pretty much got screwed over. They made all kinds of promises including telling me I could come back right after a couple of months and just got our hopes up only to let us down shortly after we paid them. I also have to add those people were recommended to us, we did not take the visa process lightly and wanted to do everything right. However, it all worked out just fine, we found out they were lying to us and found an awesome new lawyer who knew what she was doing and wasn't charging us for 'research on immigration'. I also want to add that we do understand the immigration takes time, the reason we were devastated is because we got our hopes up really high. Well, what can I say, we found out that the couple of months we were having to stay apart turned into approximately a year. Bummer. But no obstacle for our relationship. I mean, our love is so strong and there is nothing we would not do for each other, so having to wait, as hard as it is, is not the worst that could happen to us.
You might notice, we've been moving pretty fast in our relationship. But, it's this weird thing that people call 'you just know' and it all makes sense to you. There is no questioning the relationship, and we both knew from the first day that 'this was it', it never felt like 'just' a relationship, so the next step, getting married, felt just natural to us. And boom - on 27 March we got married in the US.

After the official courtroom wedding, we still felt like the 'real deal' was missing. I had to come back to Germany anyway, because I had a couple of tests left before finishing my degree (additionally, you're only allowed to stay in the US for 90 days when you're on a tourism visa - and those were over too). I kind of spent my last semester of studies in the US without having to be present in school. All my professors required were a presentation and an 24 hours exam to make up for my missed classes. I'm still very grateful to have gotten that opportunity, I mean, who is that lucky. On 25 May we got married in a very nice church ceremony, with all of my family and Max parents and grandparents present. We really are so lucky!
After the wedding, Max and I spent our summer together here in Germany. We had the time of our lives and made some great memories!
It was so much harder saying goodbye this time, because it wasn't 'his life' and 'my life' anymore, it was 'our life'. I'll miss how he was able to tickle me, without even touching me; how he started watching cheesy vampire shows out of despair; how we never wanted to go to sleep and how I felt so safe around him. Now he's been gone for 2 days and my life just feels in limbo. It's like waiting for this year to go over so I can really star living him, with him. But I also know that we're very lucky to have found each other; we wouldn't be so sad if we weren't that happy.
So, this is it, our story. I feel like I've been ranting a lot, so if you have any questions, just ask :)
X, Juli
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